
Welcome to the SurgeryPod

The SurgeryPod has been kindly funded by the Friends of Stow Surgery and is located in a private room behind the Reception desk. It will be available for patients to use from 8am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday. Appointments are not necessary.

The Pod includes:

  • a touch screen with various simple health related questionnaires
  • a set of scales and
  • an automated blood pressure monitor

Patients may be invited to come and use the Pod for part of an annual review of a chronic disease, for part of an NHS Health Check, for a contraceptive pill review or simply to check their blood pressure.

The information from the weight and BP readings plus the answers given on the questionnaires are automatically fed into the patient’s medical record and are instantly available to the GP or nurse who requested the information.

If the patient’s blood pressure is found to be low or dangerously high the patient will be alerted on the screen and a member of staff will review them before they leave the building.

We believe that this will free up some of our nursing team time so they can spend more time explaining results and coaching patients. In addition we are being asked to undertake more things which would previously have been done in hospital and freeing up time means that we can attend to these patients closer to home.